Julie Dunlap, Maryland


Why did you pledge this year?

Climate action that truly reduces carbon emissions is more important every year. We need to act like we're in an escalating emergency--because we are.

What are your travel alternatives to flying?

I am staying close to home, driving short distances on essential trips only. If Covid-19 conditions improve significantly, I might travel out of state by car for a birding trip or two.

If you pledged last year how was it? What are your expectations for this year?

Not flying in 2020 was "easy," almost automatic, because travel beyond home was generally against public health guidelines. This year, at least by fall, might involve more pressure to fly to see friends and family 1,000 miles away. My plan is to suggest meeting at a destination that doesn't require either to fly. Coronavirus fears even post-vaccination may make it more difficult to take mass transit of any kind for awhile unfortunately.

I have a children's book coming out this spring, Janey Monarch Seed (Green Writers Press). Ordinarily I would want to travel to various nature centers and butterfly exhibits to promote it, and especially to spread the word that each of us of needs to help protect Monarch butterflies and biodiversity. But flying to do that work seems antithetical to Janey's message of ethical action on behalf of the natural world. I'll be focusing on local nature centers for in-person events and relying on virtual forums to reach further. I think Janey would approve!

Read more about Julie’s work as a writer and editor via the links below:

